【“Call for paper in 'Research in Transportation Business & Management (RTBM)'”】Sustainability in Transportation: Innovations in Governance

发布时间:2019-11-04 15:54:18


Call for papers on Themed Volume: Sustainability in Transportation: Innovations in Governance


Transport governance involves multiple stakeholders and plays an essential role in bringing urban mobility into a reliable and sustainable future. Currently, urban mobility services that leverage on information and communication technologies (ICT) are changing the mobility. They will not only alter our travel demand patterns but also the allocation of fundamental transport resources, both at the vehicle fleet and infrastructure levels. Subsequently, significant changes are under way in the design of innovative mobility services and policies, in the set-up of new types of experiments, and in the development and integration of new types of models. These bring transport governance innovations in urban mobility development. Therefore, this themed volume is devoted to design and analyze innovative transport governance and provide impact evaluation for achieving sustainable urban mobility development.

The submissions are encouraged to be based on empirical works using either quantitative or qualitative methods techniques. Submissions should be fully grounded in the existing theoretical literature associated with transport governance and, to the extent possible, the practical implications of the findings.

This themed volume will include contributions (but not restricted to) of the 7thinternational conference on Transportation and Space-Time Economics (TSTE).

This special issue is directly aligned with the journal’s theme of transport governance as it contributes to the body of knowledge and evidence base about how the transport governance would lead to a reliable and sustainable mobility development.

Potential topics include (but not limited to):

·Relations and interaction between policy makers, government departments, infrastructure owners, and the public, especially their behavior responses to transport governance;

·Empirical experiences in the management, delivery and evaluation of innovative mobility services in urban mobility development;

·Equity and efficiency balances for sustainable mobility development, which including connectivity of rural communities, regulation of innovative governance model for equity and reallocation;

·The robustness of urban mobility system and urban traffic network governance;

·How institutional arrangements affect transport governance, development and decision-making;

·The role of politics, power, process, resources and legitimacy in transport governance;

·Data driven social, economic and environmental impacts analyses with emerging modes in urban mobility development.

Tentative timeline

25th March 2020 Deadline for full paper submission in the RTBM EVISE system

31st July 2020 Reviews given to authors

1st January 2021 Deadline for submission of revised papers

April 2021 Volume publication

Manuscript Preparation and Submission

To prepare their manuscript, authors are requested to follow the “Guide to Authors” of Research in Transportation Business & Management, available at https://www.elsevier.com/journals/research-in-transportation-business-and-management/2210-5395/guide-for-authors

Manuscripts will be refereed according to the standards of the Journal. The manuscripts can be submitted using the online submission system of the journal, EVISE.

Authors should indicate that the paper is being submitted for consideration for publication in this special issue. When choosing “Article Type” during the submission procedure, please select: “Transport governance”, otherwise your submission will be delayed.

All inquiries regarding this call for papers should be directed to:

Meng Xu (mengxu@bjtu.edu.cn) or

Guenter Emberger (Guenter.Emberger@tuwien.ac.at)