发布时间:2019-10-21 08:41:10
2019年10月11-13号,U-PASS项目组成员阿姆斯特丹自由大学Erik Verhoef 教授同Devi Brands, Yue Bao 一起参加了北京交通大学经济管理学院主办的第七届“运输与时空经济”国际会议(TSTE2019)。
本次国际会议将围绕“城市交通可持续发展”主题,从新型出行模式,物流创新,区位交通和土地利用,生活方式、行为和可持续交通选择,智能交通技术,环境和社会因素对交通和物流的影响,可持续的交通治理和政策等方面开展交流,旨在展示可持续和智能交通领域学者的新成果,碰撞出交通研究的新火花,挑战遇到的新问题,探究可持续交通研究的新思维 (节选自北京交大运输与时空经济论坛)。
活动现场 (北京交大运输与时空经济论坛)
活动现场 (北京交大运输与时空经济论坛)
会议期间,Erik Verhoef 教授做了多个关于可交易电子路票和智能交通的主题报告。
来自荷兰阿姆斯特丹大学的Erik Verhoef 教授针对"Using Tradable Permits to Manage Urban Traffic Congestion"主题,围绕排污权交易的可行性,高效性和其在经济学、工程学方面的学术意义进行了深度剖析。另外,Erik Verhoef 教授为我们简要展示了排污权交易模式的流程图,并阐述了建构转让模型搭建的关键要素。最后,Erik Verhoef 教授总结提出,需要个人内在参与动机和外在利益激励双重作用以确保排污权交易的存续。
Devi 作报告
Yue Bao 作报告
October 11-13, 2019, U-PASS Program team member Prof. Erik Verhoef with Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam attended the 7th international conference on “transport and spatial and temporal economy” (TSTE2019) sponsored by the School of Economics and Management of Beijing Jiaotong University, along with Devi Brands and Yue Bao.
This international conference will discuss the topics such as new-type travel mode, logistics innovation, location and transportation, land use, lifestyle, behavior and sustainable transportation choices, smart transportation technology, impact of environmental and social factors on traffic and logistics and sustainable traffic management and policy, under the theme “sustainable development of urban transport”, with a view to demonstrating the new achievements of scholars in the field of sustainable and smart transport, creating new sparks in transport research, challenging new issues and exploring a new approach to sustainable transport research (except from BJTU Transport and Spatial and Temporal Economy Forum).
During the conference, Prof. Erik Verhoef delivered many keynote reports on tradable electronic road ticket and smart transport.
Prof. Erik Verhoef from Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam provided an in-depth analysis of the feasibility and high efficiency of emission trading and its academic significance in economics and engineering science under the theme “Using Tradable Permits to Manage Urban Traffic Congestion”. In addition, Prof. Erik Verhoef briefly presented the flowchart of the emission trading model and elaborated the key elements in construction of transfer model. Last, Prof. Erik Verhoef summarized that the dual role of participation motivation inherent in individuals and the external interest incentive is required to ensure the existence of emission trading.