U-PASS项目组成员研究成果发表于《Management Science》

发布时间:2020-05-04 16:26:44

      UPASS项目组成员、浙江大学“百人计划”研究员陈喜群博士,与合作者一起在《Management Science》发表论文(图1),题目是“A Balancing Act of Regulating On-Demand Ride Services”,研究聚焦于网约车出行服务市场的政府平衡监管问题。


图1 INFORMS旗舰期刊Management Science



图2 政府部门对多种目标的定性评价


图3 出行市场的多方博弈生态系统

      本研究得到了加州大学洛杉矶分校商学院UCLA Anderson Review的关注,并在其官方Twitter中分享了研究结论(图4)。


图4 UCLA Anderson Review官方平台推送研究结

UPASS Project Member Published Research Findings on Management Science


UPASS Project Member, Dr. Xiqun (Michael) Chen, published the research article entitled “A Balancing Act of Regulating On-Demand Ride Services” on Management Science, with his research collaborators.


Fig. 1. Management Science: INFORMS flagship journal.


This research is motivated by a regulatory policy implemented by the Chinese government in 2017 and a similar policy approved by the New York City Council in 2018 that regulate the “maximum” number of registered Uber/DiDi drivers. This paper is the first to develop a multi-stakeholder modeling framework for evaluating the impact of regulatory policies of on-demand ride services on competing objectives associated with different stakeholders (Fig. 2).



Fig. 2. Government’s three options against multiple objectives.


By analyzing a two-period dynamic game that involves these stakeholders (i.e., consumers, taxi drivers, on-demand ride service company, and independent drivers), it is found that, without government intervention, the on-demand ride service platform can drive the traditional taxi industry out of the market when taxi fares are high and when the number of DiDi drivers is high (Fig. 3). Relative to no regulations and a complete ban policy, a carefully designed regulatory policy can strike a better balance of multiple competing objectives.



Fig. 3. A Multi-stakeholder ecosystem of transportation services in China


The study’s key findings are as follows. First, compared withlaissez-faire (i.e., no regulation), the study analytical results suggest that a regulatory policy can help the taxi industry to survive in the market. Second, by imposing an entry fee, the number of registered DiDi drivers decreases, and DiDi increases the wage rate so that each registered DiDi driver earns more under this regulatory policy. Third, compared with a complete ban policy, this regulatory policy strikes a balance among different competing performance measures: taxi industry survival, DiDi’s profit, DiDi drivers’ earnings, and consumer welfare.

Finally, it is worth mentioning that this study also received UCLA Business School, Anderson Review’s recognition, and was shared on Twitter.


Fig. 4 UCLA Anderson Review share the research findings on Twitter.